1180 results
Trinidad & Tobago
St. Vincent
su su
A form of savings where a group of people pay an agreed sum of money on a periodic basis (usually monthly) and each period one member of the group takes all the money that has been paid (their share). This practice has been traced back to Yoruba credit system.
A form of savings where a group of people pay an agreed sum of money on a periodic basis (usually monthly) and each period one member of the group takes all the money that has been paid (their share). This practice has been traced back to Yoruba credit system.
St. Kitts & Nevis
St. Lucia
Trinidad & Tobago
US Virgin Islands
black cake
Rich dark cakes popular around Christmas. A primary ingredients is dried fruit that has been steeped or soaked in rum or wine for long periods of time (sometimes years). The dried fruit is usually some combination of raisins, prunes, cherries, and candied fruit peel. The cakes get their dark colour from browning or burnt sugar.
chrismus cake
Rich dark cakes popular around Christmas. A primary ingredients is dried fruit that has been steeped or soaked in rum or wine for long periods of time (sometimes years). The dried fruit is usually some combination of raisins, prunes, cherries, and candied fruit peel. The cakes get their dark colour from browning or burnt sugar.
Rich dark cakes popular around Christmas. A primary ingredients is dried fruit that has been steeped or soaked in rum or wine for long periods of time (sometimes years). The dried fruit is usually some combination of raisins, prunes, cherries, and candied fruit peel. The cakes get their dark colour from browning or burnt sugar.
Rich dark cakes popular around Christmas. A primary ingredients is dried fruit that has been steeped or soaked in rum or wine for long periods of time (sometimes years). The dried fruit is usually some combination of raisins, prunes, cherries, and candied fruit peel. The cakes get their dark colour from browning or burnt sugar.
An edible round, ovoid, or cone shaped fruit around 6-10 cm in diameter, with a lumpy skin. The skin colour changes from bright green to a pale whitish-green as the fruit ripens. The sweet flesh is white or very pale yellow, and has a custard-like texture. Hard , shiny brownish black seeds are spread throughout the insides.
Trinidad & Tobago
A grackle found throughout the greater antilles as well as smaller, nearby islands. Like all quiscalus grackles, it is a rather large, gregarious bird. the 27 cm long male is glossy black with a large tail; the 24 cm long female has a smaller tail and is similar in colour but less glossy than the male. It lives largely in heavily settled areas
A grackle found throughout the greater antilles as well as smaller, nearby islands. Like all quiscalus grackles, it is a rather large, gregarious bird. the 27 cm long male is glossy black with a large tail; the 24 cm long female has a smaller tail and is similar in colour but less glossy than the male. It lives largely in heavily settled areas
Trinidad & Tobago
boat tail
A grackle found throughout the greater antilles as well as smaller, nearby islands. Like all quiscalus grackles, it is a rather large, gregarious bird. the 27 cm long male is glossy black with a large tail; the 24 cm long female has a smaller tail and is similar in colour but less glossy than the male. It lives largely in heavily settled areas
Trinidad & Tobago
Ovoid green fruit that grows in bunches on trees up to 30m high. The fruit typically ripen during the summer. The fruit is related to the lychee and have tight, thin but rigid skins. Inside the skin is the tart, tangy, or sweet pulp of the fruit covering a large seed. The pulp is usually cream or orange coloured.
cling cling
A grackle found throughout the greater antilles as well as smaller, nearby islands. Like all quiscalus grackles, it is a rather large, gregarious bird. the 27 cm long male is glossy black with a large tail; the 24 cm long female has a smaller tail and is similar in colour but less glossy than the male. It lives largely in heavily settled areas
coco plum
Fruit of the Chrysobalanus icaco,which is a shrub or bushy tree, rarely 10 metres tall. In late summer it bears fruit in clusters, that of the coastal form being round, up to 5 cm in diameter, pale-yellow with rose blush or dark-purple in color, while that of the inland form is oval, up to 2.5 cm long, and dark-purple.
Trinidad & Tobago
A nocturnal, fruit eating bird that navigates by echolocation (like bats). They are mainly reddish-brown with white spots on the nape and wings. Lower parts are cinnamon-buff spotted with white. The stiff tail feathers are a rich brown spotted with white on either side. In the past, the fat chicks were boiled down as a source of oil.
Trinidad & Tobago
oil bird
A nocturnal, fruit eating bird that navigates by echolocation (like bats). They are mainly reddish-brown with white spots on the nape and wings. Lower parts are cinnamon-buff spotted with white. The stiff tail feathers are a rich brown spotted with white on either side. In the past, the fat chicks were boiled down as a source of oil.
A grackle found throughout the greater antilles as well as smaller, nearby islands. Like all quiscalus grackles, it is a rather large, gregarious bird. the 27 cm long male is glossy black with a large tail; the 24 cm long female has a smaller tail and is similar in colour but less glossy than the male. It lives largely in heavily settled areas
Antigua & Barbuda
Trinidad & Tobago
A baked desert item similar to bread pudding that is made with various ingredients. The primary ingredients include flour, sugar, and some or all of the following in any combination: cassava, coco, sweet potato, cornmeal. In some countries a traditional method of preparation involves baking with a fire source above as well as below. This gives rise to the expression "Hell a top, hell a bottom, hallelujah in the middle".
A baked desert item similar to bread pudding that is made with various ingredients. The primary ingredients include flour, sugar, and some or all of the following in any combination: cassava, coco, sweet potato, cornmeal. In some countries a traditional method of preparation involves baking with a fire source above as well as below. This gives rise to the expression "Hell a top, hell a bottom, hallelujah in the middle".
A baked desert item similar to bread pudding that is made with various ingredients. The primary ingredients include flour, sugar, and some or all of the following in any combination: cassava, coco, sweet potato, cornmeal. In some countries a traditional method of preparation involves baking with a fire source above as well as below. This gives rise to the expression "Hell a top, hell a bottom, hallelujah in the middle".
Trinidad & Tobago
Tassa is a form of kettle drum, presumably of Persian derivation that was brought to the Caribbean by indentured Indian workers durin gthe 19th centruy. It is made by tightly covering a clay shell with goat skin; early versions were covered in monkey skin as well. When ready to play, the goat skin is heated by aid of a fire to tighten the head, making the pitch higher. Modern versions are made of metal 'fiberglass' clay pots with a plastic head that is tightened with screws or even a plastic head that is tied on to the pot. These last longer and do not have to be adjusted as frequently.