This is a corbeau in Trinidad and Tobago
We see john crow s here
Carrion Crow
proper english - Carrion Crow. kanning crow, cannion crow
John crow or drancro
Jang ko , in ower patois
Greater wingspan than most eagles. Eats carrion or dead meat. However could hardly live on that exclusively. Attacks live weak animals as well. Variously known as John Crow, Jancro. The town that I live in in Jamaica is called John Crow Roost. I never saw any roost there.
Fuck off france “ju”
such disrespect
That old John Crow
I will always remember where am coming from
John Crow nyam dead animals. They try to keep the earth clean.
John live large now. Sad
Da person not da Vbird
A straight up disrespect don't mek nobady call uno jancrow
Dem bird ya ugly
In Belize we call it John Crow
The cultural and natural heritage of the Blue and John Crow Mountains
Too many Jan Cro dey bouts
I hve heard Jamaican women call their spouse John crow in heated arguments I don't feel anyone should call a human that name or dog poop.
So basically.... a vulture